Mesothelioma Asbestos

Before we delve into the details of the types of mesothelioma cancer, we need a glimpse of asbestos, the main cause of mesothelioma.

The cause of mesothelioma is the intensity of exposure to asbestos, which can be direct (primary) or indirect (secondary) exposure in context. Asbestos causes cancer mesothelioma, but it can only harm the body in other ways. For example, can cause lung cancer pleural asbestos, asbestosis, diffuseThickening and fibrosis than malignant mesothelioma.

The cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos was discovered in connection with exposure to mineral. In this case, subjects were exposed in relation to work in places where extensive use of asbestos. The people who first suffered the deadly disease were mostly miners, asbestos workers in factories and shipyards, along with those associated with construction.

As the first cases ofMesothelioma has been around for 30 years or more reported to be taken after exposure to asbestos and mesothelioma is symptomatic of normal time almost the same. Therefore, it was easy to establish links with asbestos and mesothelioma patients with the same professional background e. And 'the only known cause of mesothelioma has been demonstrated so far.

Asbestos in nature is usually six fibrous minerals, namely chrysotile, tremolite, actinolite,Amosite, crocidolite and anthophyllite. Asbestos has long been used in a variety of purposes was, perhaps, commercial or industrial.

Since this mineral is resistant to heat and fire, along with a high tensile strength under the name 'was Miracle Mineral "and serve as insulation material in buildings, automobiles and shipbuilding trades.

People who were directly connected with these miners and the collection of this dangerous mineral on a daily basis, were most at riskDevelopment of mesothelioma due to the amount of heavy exposure to asbestos, were every day.

Because asbestos has been more harm than good for the people was therefore better to ban their use. These dangers were known but ignored because of business reasons. But because of increased public awareness and concerns about the health risks associated, was finally banned in most affected countries.

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The prognosis of mesothelioma: a challenge to be addressed

Mesothelioma prognosis and mesothelioma treatment options depend on the size of the tumor, the stage of cancer, potential surgical removal of a tumor, the amount of fluid in the chest or abdomen, general health and age of the patient, the type of Mesothelioma cancer cell and whether cancerous cells in other parts of the body found.

The prognosis for mesothelioma is a physical examination and results of a series of medical tests aimed at assessing the rareAsbestos-cancer. Once a forecast Mesothelioma is finally determined, then treating this aggressive and rare form of cancer can begin. Early diagnosis and treatment are the most important in finding a mesothelioma prognosis.

Since mesothelioma is usually diagnosed at an advanced stage, the statistics for the 4:59 year survival rates are generally unreliable.

The two most common types of mesothelioma are peritoneal (abdominal) mesothelioma and pleural (lung) mesothelioma, with pleuralMesothelioma is the most common form. peritoneal mesothelioma may be difficult to stage because of their rarity. The first symptoms of mesothelioma are subtle and often ignored resulting in cancer to be diagnosed with more advanced when it occurs at the end will be difficult, on stage. However, it is the most common is mesothelioma cancer, pleural mesothelioma has Simultantheaters systems.

Unfortunately, the patient was diagnosed with peritoneal or pleuralMesothelioma mesothelioma are often a poor prognosis, which can often be less than one year of survival in life expectancy from diagnosis are discussed. Of course, every patient is different, requiring a different treatment plan as a result of mesothelioma and individuality of each patient, an accurate prediction mesothelioma must be determined by the physician individually.

Mesothelioma prognosis, several important factors such as general health of the patient at the timeThe diagnosis, mesothelioma exact nature of the tumor, tumor size and exact location of the cancer, mesothelioma, mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is usually close to vital organs like heart and lungs, which can cause serious consequences if the cancerous tumors begin to press on these vital organs. It 'important to remember that the healthier a patient is in treatment of malignant mesothelioma, the patient usually respond better to treatment and a greater chanceprolonged survival.

After correctly diagnosed with mesothelioma and mesothelioma prognosis is done, the doctor and patient to discuss treatment options. Since there is currently no cure is known for the development of mesothelioma, treatment options, to try to alleviate symptoms, prevent metastasis and prolong life, while the acceptable quality of life.

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Asbestos mesothelioma lung and Types

Asbestos is usually divided into two groups, namely serpentine and amphibole types. These are explained here.

Chrysolite asbestos

The first type of asbestos and asbestos chrysolite, and is also known as white asbestos. This type of asbestos is generally considered the safest of all types. This is because it is less fragile, that produce less air and be inhaled microbes that also makes them less likely meaning. But if inhaled can causesame problems in terms of health than others. Now is this because it is the only classified as a mineral serpentine, such as fiber, which are rolled in from a variety chrysolite. This makes the crystals that form in the leaves.

chrysolite asbestos is the most common type of asbestos used, consisting of almost 95% of asbestos used commercially in the United States. Thus, the widespread use of this type of asbestos, represents the majority of health problems of workers exposed to asbestossuch as mesothelioma and cancer in animals. The remaining five types of amphibole asbestos minerals, which means that it consists of straight, needlelike fibers.

Tremolite asbestos

This type of asbestos was not industrial, but used for commercial purposes is used in products such as dust. The color ranges from creamy white to dark green tremolite and is often found in metamorphic rocks. Now, this form of asbestos is the major pollution source of the infamous vermiculite(Natural mineral that expands with the application of heat) in the Libby mine in Montana.

Actinolite asbestos

is not commonly used in industry, asbestos can still be produced actinolite asbestos present. Inhalation of asbestos Actinolite may occur in severe damage to the lungs and mesothelioma. The fibrous actinolite variants will not cause health problems, mesothelioma, or in connection with exposure to asbestos marketed forms such as asbestosis.This usually green, white or gray of this species is related to tremolite, but have more quantities of iron.

Amosite asbestos

amosite asbestos, which is also called Grunerite or brown asbestos is used for a variety of commercial purposes. This is generally used in cement pipe and sheet insulation. It is entitled, brittle fibers, light gray to brown. Once was the second most common type of asbestos. But in recent years because of health concerns and the emergence ofmesothelioma production and commercial use of this mineral is banned in many countries.

Crocidolite asbestos

The most dangerous asbestos crocidolite asbestos is thought to be the opposite spectrum chrysolite asbestos. crocidolite asbestos is known as blue asbestos, is just as blue fibers. This type of amosite is the lung for a long time and the health of people exposed is dangerous. Crocidolite occurs naturally in the countriessuch as Australia, South Africa, Bolivia, the former Soviet Union and Canada.

Anthophyllite asbestos

It is brittle white fibers made of glass and look at the chain. Founded by the breakdown of talc in the ultramafic rocks, is a common impurity talc anthophyllite. As tremolite and actinolite, not for commercial or industrial, as such, but is still in use vermiculite minerals found commonly used for garden soil.

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