Silicosis - the forgotten cousin of asbestosis and mesothelioma

Silicosis, asbestosis and mesothelioma, all three professional groups related to cancer can be prevented.

Silicosis is a respiratory disease caused by inhaling silica dust, which leads to inflammation and cause scarring of lung tissue. Similar to mesothelioma and asbestosis, silicosis caused silence million industry in relation to health problems and deaths before it was discovered and can be diagnosed correctly.

The main cause of silicosis is a long-termExposure to silica. Silica is a common, natural crystal. It is, in most rock beds and forms dust found in mines, quarries, tunnels, construction and ores many. Silicon is a main component of sand, so glass, sandblasting, construction workers and also receive heavy exposure to silica.

include risk factors for silicosis, but not at work that includes exposure to silica dust limits. Mining, stone cutting concrete, construction, road andConstruction, with the production of abrasives, sand blasting and other occupations and hobbies of many involving exposure to silica.

Close contact with silica may be symptoms of silicosis or full-blown in a year or less useful, but usually it takes at least 10 or 15 years after exposure, before symptoms appear, most of silicosis. Silicosis and asbestosis and mesothelioma have become rare since the Health and Safety at Work (OSHA started)Laws and regulations, the use of protective equipment, which are supplied by employers, that the level of a worker exposure limit dangerous. Well, in most cases it is legal and lawful to protect the liability of the employer for you, providing personal protective equipment (PPE).

The three different types of silicosis include:

* Acute silicosis - results from short-term exposure to large quantities of silica. The lungs become very inflamed and fills withLiquid causes severe breathlessness and low oxygen levels in the blood.

* Accelerated silicosis occurs - after exposure to large amounts of silica to a shorter period (5-15 years). Inflammation, scarring, and symptoms progress faster in accelerated silicosis than in simple silicosis.

* Simple chronic silicosis - results from long-term exposure (more than 20 years) with small amounts of silica dust. Nodules of chronic inflammation and scarring caused by silica dustForm in the lungs and thoracic lymph nodes. This disease is characterized by shortness of breath and can chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are similar.

If you think you should be in an area with a high risk of exposure to silica dust or other hazardous materials on themselves to use all necessary procedures to protect themselves from exposure. It 'important, not health concerns you have with your employer and your employer may discuss theprotection devices required by law to minimize exposure to hazardous substances such as silica. And 'legally responsible for your employer to provide safety devices to protect you, but it is ultimately the responsibility to protect your health and provide health of your family.

If your employer is lax or refuses to provide for your safety, it is important that you contact your local, state and federal agency for health and safety, that the law is observed and monitoredreport it immediately. In most cases, you can avoid any negligence anonymous and identified demoted or fired from their employer. Many times your employer will be forced to attend to his will with the laws of the Agency Board and your problems are solved. As an employer, I see the need to protect my staff at any price, because not only my most valuable assets are people with families and simply deserve to live and work in the safest possible environment. Ifthe employer does not feel that way, you should feel a bit 'of remorse when abuse, to report the right places.

If you think you have been negligently exposed to silica or other hazardous material, and now experiencing health problems that, you should immediately contact a competent attorney or law firm and discuss your situation with them. You can create a compensation by the employer for negligence. There are lawyers andLawyers who specialize in diseases silicosis, mesothelioma, asbestosis, and a variety of other medicine.

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